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Vouchers - How It Works


Buying a voucher with kmfm is quick, easy and will save you money. Here is a simple step by step guide to get to know how this online voucher store works and what to expect.


  1. First, find the voucher that you would like to buy. Select the amount of vouchers/quantity you’d like and click ‘Add To Basket’. You can remove the voucher by clicking ‘Remove From Basket’ which you will see next to your chosen voucher. 
  2. Check to make sure everything you want is securely in your basket by clicking the ‘Basket’ button on the top right of the web page. This also gives you full control over adjusting quantities or removing items from your basket.
  3. Once you have reviewed your basket and are happy with your purchases, click ‘Checkout’ which will take you through to the next page where you can confirm and review your purchase. If there is anything that isn’t right or you have changed your mind, simply go back and make changes in your basket.
  4. If you are happy with the vouchers you have chosen, just click ‘Proceed’ which will then take you to a new page where you can confirm your details, such as your address and contact information. Please make sure that these are correct and up to date!
  5. Once you have added all the details needed, just click ‘Confirm’ and you will be taken through to the ‘Buy Now’ page.
  6. We use PayPal to securely process our transactions and ensure your details are safe. Click on ‘Buy Now’ and you will be taken through to a ‘PayPal’ page where you can choose to either pay using your credit or debit card or log in to your PayPal account to use credit you already have.
  7. Choose which you would prefer and simply follow the instructions to complete the transaction and secure your voucher/s.
  8. Once the payment process is complete you will be taken back to the kmfm voucher store and you will be able to download your voucher in your ‘Transactions’ area. You will also be sent an email to your registered email address which will include a digital download link for your voucher. 
  9. Keep the voucher safe, make sure you have checked all the terms associated with using your voucher/s and go ahead and enjoy your experience at the best price in Kent!

If you have any issues whatsoever please call us on 01634 227800 and then choose kmfm or send us an email at vouchers@kmfm.co.uk and we will get you voucher ready in no time!


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